“Intersections: Divine Intrusion” – July 25, 2021

Rev. Dr. Faith J. Conklin

Sunday, July 25, 2021 at 9:30am
Sanctuary & Livestream Worship

My Post (65)
One of my favorites from the cartoon Peanuts is this encounter between Charlie Brown and Lucy.

Lucy walks up to Charlie with her hand extended and a big smile on her face. “Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!” she says. Looking at him with a serious expression, she then adds, “At this time of the year I think we should put aside all our differences and try to be kind.” Charlie looks at her and asks, “Why does it just have to be for just this time of the year? Why can’t it be for all year ‘round?” Frustration replaces Lucy’s smile. She glares at him sullenly and says, “What are you, some kind of Christmas fanatic or something?”

That’s me. I’m a Christmas fanatic. I’m not fanatical about the kind of Christmas the world generally celebrates. I’m not even fanatical about the kind of Christmas the Church often has. What I am fanatical about is the Christmas God gave us in Jesus Christ. I’m ready to celebrate the gift of God’s love and the hope of God’s presence anywhere, anytime, and any season.

As I look back over the past year, survey the unrest of the present and lean into an unsettled future, I find myself echoing that eminent theologian—Auntie Mame: “We need a little Christmas, and we need it right now.”

In that spirit, I invite you to join us this Sunday as we name, claim, and rejoice again in the songs and message of Christmas. Thinking of the theme “Intersections”, you might want to re-watch one of your favorite versions of Dickens’ Christmas Carol in preparation.

We name God “Emmanuel”. God is “with us” in December, in July and all the months in-between. This Sunday, we’ll take another look at that truth.

As Frederick Buechner writes: “If the Christmas tale is true, it is the chief of all truths. What keeps the wild hope of Christmas alive in a world notorious for dashing all hopes is the haunting dream that the Child may be born again in us—in our needing, in our longing for him.”

Come celebrate that “wild hope” with us.

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