Intersections: God’s Stories – Our Stories

Rev. Chelsea Simon

Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 9:30am - Livestream Worship

Hello Everyone,
Like many during these quarantine times, I have been binge watching Netflix series. One of my favorites is Queer Eye. This is a reboot of the original series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The new Fab Five visit with a variety of different people to provide lifestyle makeovers in the way of fashion, food, grooming, design and culture. The Fab Five spend a week diving deep into aspects of their hero’s lives and stories to help rid them of habits that are not helpful and to teach them a new way of living.
As I watched, I couldn't help but think of the parallels between the Fab Five and Jesus. Episode after episode, the Fab Five lavish love on their heroes so that they might recognize their potential and live lives of wholeness and freedom.
When I read through the gospels, I think this is exactly what Jesus does. His grace knows no bounds as he pours out love, compassion and acceptance onto those whom society has cast out or repeatedly overlooked. I find this particularly true in Luke’s Gospel and in the story of the Gerasene Demoniac (our text for this week).
Through Jesus’s healing touch the man is freed and transformed. How might God be working to free us? How might we play a role in transforming transforming our world?
I hope you will join us for our Livestream worship service at 9:30am. We will also enjoy special music from The Table’s musician Talip Peshkepia.

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