“Soul Reset: The Meal That Heals” – February 6, 2022

Rev. John Shaver

Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 9:30am
Livestream Worship


Dear SDUMC Family,

I hope you have been able to find some time to find new ways to reset/restoration/renewal as we are journeying through the Soult Reset Sermon series (also, using the guidebook, Soul Reset by Rev. Junius Dotson).

In Chapter 3, Dotson shares, "As I enter into worship, I don't want to leave the same way I came in. Worship is so significant because it shifts my attitude, my mood. It elevates my thinking and allows me to release emotions. When I leave worship, I feel lighter. I exhale. I am reminded of God's presence in my life, in the midst of all that I'm experiencing. It's vitally important to worship, not as an obligation but as a privilege, I know what David meant in Psalm 122 when he said, I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" (Psalm 122:1) I know how desperate he was to connect with God, to remember who God is, to praise him.

Dotson continues, "Especially when there is so much negativity and stress, and we are overwhelmed by all that's going on in the world, we need to hear the good news over and over again. We need to hear the story of God's salvation, grace, mercy, and compassion. We need to be reminded that there's a God who is bigger than whatever I'm going through, who hears and sees and knows my struggle. God's got me. God's going to give me what I need. It's like a cold drink of water. Living Water!"

These are powerful words to me, and I hope for you to remind us of what worship can do for our daily journeys. Through worship we are coming before God and being able to truly let go of the world's troubles and let God – let God by placing these troubles and stresses into God's hands and find a reset/renewal/restoration. I pray that we may all enter worship in that spirit this week. This Sunday, we will share in Communion, which helps us deeply experience God's love and healing.

I hope you'll make it a priority to join us at 8:00 a.m. (in the Chapel for a shortened Communion Service), 9:30 a.m. (in the Sanctuary with the Choir, Special Music, and Communion), or on Livestream at 9:30 a.m. We will also begin our Coffee and Donut time following Worship this week (and throughout the day and week on our YouTube Channel – feel free to bring juice and bread to the screen with you to share in Communion).

Grace, Peace, and Prayers,

PS Many thanks for all your prayers and support for the upcoming trip to Nicaragua at Project Chacocente (outofthedump.org). I will look forward to sharing the hope that God continues to bring through all of you and others in a little corner of the world.

PPS As this is a Communion Sunday, it is also a Share The Table Sunday. As you are able, please bring some non-perishable goods to share with our neighbors as we continue to partner with the CRC. There continues to be a great need in our surrounding communities, and in this way, we can uniquely share God's hope.

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