“What Shall We Bring? A Continued Legacy…”

Rev. John Shaver

Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 9:00am and 10:30am

BULLETIN LISTEN NOW LOGO_Stewardship Dear SDUMC Family, This Sunday, we will celebrate a special day in the life of the Christian year, All Saints’ Sunday. When we hear the word “saint,” we may have the image of someone depicted on a stained glass window. We might think of someone who has given up all their money to travel thousands of miles away from home to help those in dire need. If you Google the word “saint,” you will come upon images of people looking heavenward with a bright light shining around their head. If we live in these definitions, it may seem as if this title is out of reach for the majority of those of us walking about in our ordinary lives. The author, Matthew Fox, shares a different definition, “I am reminded of the biblical use of the term saint in the book of Acts. That it applies to each of us. All who are attempting to imitate Christ in their lives merit the title of ‘saint.'” In many ways, Fox’s writing reminds me of the words from Martin Luther King, Jr. “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” I hope you’ll join me this Sunday as we pause and remember the people who nurtured us in our faith lives. We’ll also spend some time in prayer sharing the names of those who have entered the Eternal Kingdom in the last year. In the midst of Stewardship Season, it is an appropriate and essential time to give thanks for the people God has placed in our lives who have created a faith-filled legacy. Take some time this weekend to pause and remember the people you have encountered on the journey of life with “hearts full of grace” and “souls generated by love.” I look forward to being in worship with you at 8, 9, or 10:30 this week as we give thanks, sing, fellowship, and share in Holy Communion. Grace and Peace, John PS. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back on Saturday evening and bring some canned goods for Share The Table Sunday/Harvest Home.

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